Here are some helpful discussions and lectures we’ve seen that treat various aspects of classical education. We’ve tried to select approachable talks geared to a general audience.

What is classical lutheran Education

Rev. Paul Cain, board member of the CCLE, describes what is Lutheran about classical Lutheran education, what is classical about it and how it is done.

How Classical Education differs from Standard Public Schools

Hillsdale’s K-12 initiative explains why classical education is better than what is typically offered in America’s public schools.

How Progressive Education Came to Dominate the United States

Martin Cothran is the editor of Memoria Press’s Classical Teacher magazine, and the author of Memoria Press’s Traditional Logic, Material Logic, and Classical Rhetoric programs, as well as Lingua Biblica: Old Testament Stories in Latin. He is the Latin, logic, and rhetoric Instructor at Highlands Latin School in Louisville, Kentucky. (Click “Learn More” to view the video below.)

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