Faith Statement
Our statement of faith is the Apostle’s Creed, the oldest and most broadly accepted summary of Christianity’s essential beliefs.

All-School Daily Schedule
8:30 a.m. Matins (This is part of school and required of all students. Parents, siblings welcome.)
12 p.m. Forms A and B; 7-10 dismissal
3:00 p.m. Forms 1-6 dismissal

Class Size
In Forms A and B, classes will be capped at 12 students. Form 1-6 classes are capped loosely at 16 students per class. We will stretch to accommodate up to 18 students, our hard cap. If enough students are enrolled, we will divide overfull classes into two.

Students in forms A and B will typically receive no more than one hour of homework per week; Students in forms 1 and 2 will typically receive no more than two hours of homework per week; students in forms 3 and 4 will typically receive no more than four hours of homework per week; students in 5 and 6 should expect around 5 hours per week. The upper school is a university model school, and the students typically receive 3-4 hours of homework per day. Under no circumstances will RCS teachers assign “busywork” to students, but substantive, family-relationship-building reinforcements for what students are learning in class.

House System
Redeemer Classical School students, faculty, and staff are organized into four houses. These houses develop leadership, commitment to others, comradery, and family-like relationships across ages and forms. They also channel natural social behaviors such as competition, friendship, hierarchies, and alliances into positive influences on students.

Our house system will organize interschool events, and fosters a year-long competition for the House Cup. Throughout the year, Redeemer Classical faculty award and penalize points to each house based on students’ academic achievements, service, and exhibitions of good and bad character.

We are located at Redeemer Lutheran Church in the Oakdale neighborhood, two minutes east of Foster Park. Follow our blog for pictures and updates as we beautify our classrooms and playground.

As for many other private and charter schools, lunches are families’ responsibility. Children with allergies will be provided designated eating areas and classmates taught to exercise charity in handwashing and keeping harmful foods away from their friends.

Physical Movement
Directed movement is good for mental and physical development, for all children but especially boys. Free play at recess, standing desks, active learning techniques, short lessons, nature study, integrated art instruction, and more RCS features are designed specifically to harness this activity positively in ways most schools do not. This increases learning and decreases behavior problems.

Forms A and B (half-day): $5000 yearly, $525 monthly
Forms 1 through 6: $6,500 yearly, $675 monthly
Forms 7-10: $8,000, $825 monthly

These tuition rates are at or below the local and state average for private schools. The first price is if tuition is paid before school commences, the second if paid monthly before the first of each month for ten months.

We realize the effects on family life of daily pickups and drop-offs, and assist parents in developing car pools to mitigate those effects.

Redeemer Classical School students wear a uniform and faculty wear professional attire, outside of athletic activities and some field trips (such as hikes). The uniforms may be purchased from Land’s End. Our school-specific website is here. Parents may also purchase from anywhere items that look the same as our approved Land’s End items (pay attention to lengths, colors, general styles).