We aim to provide the highest-quality elementary and secondary education at a price within reach of the typical Hoosier family, with financial aid to those who review their family budget with a financial coach and reach out to private sources of scholarships such as grandparents, extended family, and local businesses.

To provide the highest-quality education, we seek to employ the best teachers. To do this, we aim to pay a wage comparable to that of their pupil’s family earnings, depending on their level of experience, proven teaching quality, workload, and stage in life. The median annual Hoosier household income was $62,743 in 2021, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Financial Aid

While managing finances is ultimately a family’s responsibility, we are happy to assist families in making Redeemer Classical within reach for them. Indiana offers families a $1,000 per year, per child state income tax deduction for private schooling expenses. Families can also receive a tax credit for 20% of tuition expenses, up to $1500.

We also encourage families to discuss private sponsorship of their children with family members such as grandparents, their churches, and friends who are business leaders and philanthropists. We will enthusiastically explain our model and its merits to all such contributors to education excellence in Fort Wayne. We also offer limited private scholarships.

We are accredited by the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education (CCLE) and National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA). This gives RCS families access to the state’s tax-credit scholarship program, a school choice initiative funded entirely by private donations instead of taxpayer funds.

2023-24 Tuition

For the 2023-24 school year, our tuition rates are $5,000 per student for students in half-day Form A and Form B, $6,500 per student for students in full-day Forms 1 – 6, and $8,000 for students in Forms 7-10 if tuition is paid in full by August 15th. These rates are at or below the local and state average for private schools.

Families who do not pay tuition in full before the school year begins pay tuition monthly at a slightly higher rate — $525 per month for Forms A and B, $675 per month for Forms 1-6, and $825 per month for Forms 7-10 — for 10 months, starting in August. Tuition for each month is due by the 15th of that month.

For families that enroll more than one child, a discount of $250 will be given for the second child and a discount of $500 for the third. Tuition is free for all children enrolled beyond the third from the same family.

These tuition amounts are “all-in,” meaning they include all tuition, fees, and curricula (but not personal items such as school uniforms and school supplies). This is to relieve families of constant fundraising requests and unanticipated mandatory fees.

Pathway to Financial Aid

  1. Check if you fit state scholarship criteria, by completing this 10-second quiz. The Indiana Department of Education says “A student is eligible to apply for the program if the student is a member of a household with an annual income of not more than two hundred percent (200%) of the amount required to qualify for the federal free or reduced price lunch program.”
  2. Submit our financial aid form with your admissions application.
  3. Schedule, then conduct a budget assessment with our board-certified financial coach (instructions on our financial aid form). This requires accurately and confidentially disclosing annual and monthly income and expenses to the coach (not to the school or any other party). The applicant will pay part of the coach’s $125 assessment fee. The family will pay $50 to the school and the school will pay the coach.
  4. The coach submits an independent evaluation to both the school and family of the family’s actual need. She also gives the family advice about how to afford tuition better on their own.
  5. The family takes that assessment first to family members and their church to meet their confirmed need. Redeemer staff will answer any questions from and meet with such potential donors. We also provide sample outreach letters.
  6. If need remains after this, the family brings that adjusted number back to Redeemer. Funds will be distributed on a weighted, first-come basis until May 1.

One thought on “Tuition

  1. The Lord be with you. My husband & I have an active & precocious 3 y o boy. It seems like he would benefit from your school. He needs to be challenged & socializing with other students.
    Is there a particular age that is admitted into your school? We may be eligible for financial aid…..
    Please respond.

    Mrs. Stephanie Rhodes

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